LiveWedge has 2 different network modes, [AP mode] and [Client mode]

  • AP mode:
    LiveWedge functions as an access point and can be connected to an iPad directly.

    • LiveWedge can be controlled via an iPad without an internet connection.
    • If connected to the internet via wired LAN, the LiveWedge can be controlled by connecting an iPad to the internet through the LiveWedge access point.
    • If a wired LAN or wireless LAN 2.4GHz internet access point is provided, an iPad can be connected via a 5GHz network environment through the LiveWedge
  • Client Mode:
    Connecting to the internet via a router or an access point allows access to the LiveWedge as a client.

    • Connect LiveWedge and an iPad to the internet via wireless LAN, you can control the LiveWedge and do live streaming via the wireless LAN network.

Adjusting network settings

Tap [TOOL] on the right of the screen, then tap [Live & Network] on the left.


Tap [RESET NETWORK] and then tap [Reset] on the iOS popup.


Network mode selection screen.


AP Mode

You can also change the type of wireless LAN connection. However 11a is recommended for a stable connection.

  • Can be change a type of the wireless LAN setting. However 11a is recommended its stable network


Client Mode

You can chose either a Wi-Fi or wired LAN network.To connect via Wi-Fi, type in a SSID and a password, then choose DHCP or fixed IP address, then tap [Start Wi-Fi]. To connect via a wired LAN, choose either DHCP or fixed IP address, then tap [Start Ethernet].
